Advancing Your Career :: Why Soft Skills Matter Most

Summary :: We often combine advancing our careers with gaining more hard skills - degrees, certifications, technical skills. What actually matters most are the skills often referred to as “soft.” This sets of skills are human, teachable and practical for lifelong learners who want to continue to develop themselves and their careers. Learn five strategies to deepen your personal growth and set yourself up for success.

Have we had it backwards all this time?

Instead of looking outward to all the things we don't know (hard skills) as we advance our careers, what if we looked inward to develop our connection to ourselves?

❤️ Love this graphic from Susan David, Ph.D. to reconsider what really matters. The graphic captured so well my thoughts on self-discovery, being aligned to what we value and the personal groundwork necessary to bring our Ultimate Future forward.

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We sometimes chase degrees and extra letters behind our names for the wrong reasons. I've lost count how many times someone came to me for career coaching and without knowing what they want. They worry and say, "Maybe I need an MBA?"

I also can't tell you how many people I know who choose Law School, because they aren't sure what else to do! 

Rest assured, the "soft" skills you develop help you professionally and personally. This is emotional intelligence. This is resilience. This is authenticity, and I want to help you develop this side of you.

When you think about a leader you really look up to, is it because they’re PhDs or because they have a solid foundation of aligning to their values, authenticity, empathy and self-understanding? Maybe you witnessed them rising to an unbelievable moment in a human way. That’s soft skills.

Read these strategies to deepen your growth with the soft skills that matter most.

5 strategies for personal growth


We often define success in life and career at a younger age and don't revisit it until later in life. Take 5 min, and reset this concept for where you are now. What does success mean now?


Shorten the learning curve of where you want to grow by defining what's important to you. Values can be an inner compass to help guide you in every decision you make. What’s important for you?


If you spend much of your time comparing yourself to others, how is that serving you? It's time to shift into a learning or abundant mindset by disrupting the pattern of comparison when it happens most. Replace that energy with seeing your strengths and superpowers. What mindset sets you up for success?


Add the above elements together for alignment to the true You! Authenticity means your words and actions match. What’s the best version of you?


When you have a solid foundation of knowing yourself and what you value, your ability to bounce back through challenges is faster and easier. You've got your own back in life, even when times are tough. What’s the feedback telling you?

There's no one step to get you from here to there, but a series of choices that can help you iterate and improve each day. 😊

There’s nothing soft about these skills.

True personal growth stretches into all the parts that make us human.

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