Want to Unlock Your Potential? Start Here
Summary: To begin unlocking your potential, a number of characteristics must be present to begin the process of personal change and to make that change last. Explore the characteristics that help unlock your potential with ease.
Every time I let go, opportunity happens.
This belief rings true for me on many levels. It is also true when looking for personal coaching programs that help you unlock your potential. The reason why so many people want to unlock their potential and don’t achieve that goal is the numerous ways in which we hold ourselves back.
To harness your potential, you need to possess *at least two* of the six characteristics when getting started.
Intention to unlock your potential
Every action in the universe begins with intention. If you intend to improve, you create a powerful commitment to yourself. You make new choices and take alternative actions that align with your intention. What’s your intention?
Vision for what happens when you do
Visualize the outcome when you reach your potential. What is it that you really want? What will it feel like? What will you have that you don’t have now?
Readiness to let go (of whatever is holding you back)
What are the inner limits that hold you back from your potential? Inner limits fall into four categories: Stories, Excuses, Limiting Beliefs and Fears. What happens when you let go of old habits and ways that you know that run counter to your potential?
Giving yourself permission to experiment
How willing are you to try and fail? To do the opposite? To work with a partner? To really explore the messy parts or go deep with getting out of your own way?
Measurement to track your progress
What would we see getting better as you progress towards your potential? Maybe you want to develop new habits, patterns or rituals? New boundaries? New ways of working?
System for accountability, followthrough
Like any goal, sometimes it’s defining the goal itself that can be the challenge. Or you may define it, but then have difficulty following through with it. Here’s where simple accountability steps can give you the momentum to always take action and move forward.
How many characteristics do you have?
The more of these characteristics means you'll get there faster, like with the help of a sounding board to guide you through the learning.
What’s your next step?