Inside the Lab: Creating the Ultimate Future Podcast
I’ve been asked for years, "Jessica, when are you going to create a podcast?"
The time is now! Read my journey from taking a big idea into reality. You’re invited inside my lab to see the real process behind my creative process.
I hope you enjoy reading my journey to build it.
What kind of Podcast would I have?
When I launched my business in 2012, podcasting was new. The idea of connecting with people right in their ears intrigued me. To be that intimate and 1:1 with people gives a deeper level of connection and engagement. It’s as if the podcast host is talking to you. I knew that I wanted to focus on 1:1 coaching, so I parked the idea in the back of my mind. It was another avenue to working one to one.
Little did I know that it would takes years to form my voice. It didn’t seem like the right time for a podcast or to decide what that concept could be.
What would I talk about?
What would make it coaching rather than teaching?
So many years and a pandemic go by without putting energy into the podcast. My marketing energy created books, press releases, email marketing and occasional ads to amplify my message. I recorded a few YouTube videos which are still up on my channel about “Daily Acts of Courage.”
Early iteration
Fast forward to 2021. One day, I recorded a fun video demo of me goofing around as if it were a podcast. It’s fun to rewatch my younger Self. I felt playful yet passionate about the ripple effect for self-discovery work. Every bit of what I said then is true, even today.
November 9, 2021
The Music…I have an idea
One of my favorite, long-term clients, Taylor Harlow, is a recording artist. Here’s what our partnership is like in her own words,
“[Coaching] helped me get ahead in areas that may have taken me months to figure out on my own without having her as a sounding board.”
At the time Taylor launched her second album Soularium on Spotify, I remember hearing one of her earlier songs, “Someday.” It really stood out to me, and even before I had a podcast idea or design, I asked her if she would be the sound behind it.
She said yes! It is such a beautiful and meaningful collaboration that I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Coaching on the Idea Itself
For months, I thought about creating a podcast.
My perfectionism would kick in. I would get overwhelmed with ideas. I would wonder about technology and the effort needed to do it well and consistently.
I knew several colleagues who started podcasts and didn’t continue with it. To create a podcast, you must love what you’re talking about. You must have countless topics you could focus on so that you evolve and continue learning. You must find something that you won’t get tired of.
What I know about myself is that self-discovery, personal change, mindset, authenticity, alignment and limiting beliefs are the constant. There’s no end to how I can focus and learn about these topics.
What’s even more exciting is how these are the concepts a person may practice after they’ve had a breakthrough. Before a breakthrough, it sounds like unstuck, pivot, career change, finding my purpose/passion, living my best life, gaining clarity and so on.
Finally, on February 20th it happened. I brought the podcast content and questions I was struggling with to my coach. An amazing session, we explored the ways I could share stories based on real people. I left the session empowered and inspired to brainstorm more. My action item was to create a blueprint for storytelling.
And we’ll pause our story there.
I’ll post a follow-up as this blueprint comes to life!