The Right Mindset for Success: 5 Steps to Shift into a Positive Mindset
Summary: Mindset is crucial for success, as it influences our approach to tasks and can be the main reason people avoid pursuing their goals. People often have a vision for their future but immediately follow it with self-limiting beliefs, highlighting the importance of shifting from a negative to a positive or growth mindset. To cultivate a better mindset for reflection and deep thinking, these five steps can help you shift into a mindset for success.
Do you sound like this?
“Looking for career pivot and have a couple (many) directions in mind, but…
not sure which one should go first. Or try it all?”
“I just know there’s so much more I can do, but…
there seem to be missing pieces or don’t know the ‘how’ plays out”
Or maybe it’s related to a future business you always wanted:
“I want to start a business, but…
I don’t know if I’m good enough at business to really make it work. It’s going to be so hard that I may lose years being less financially stable.”
These are three typical examples I hear when people describe the goal and outcome from coaching. Each has a fuzzy vision for the future they want, yet immediately follow it up with reasons it can’t work for them.
This back and forth can go on for years until a person learns to shift their mindset.
What Do We Mean by Mindset?
“Mindset is the approach you have before you start any task”
Improving anything—from your golf swing to mindful eating to building your dreams—depends on the mindset you bring to it.
In the examples above, the idea is born only to quickly be crushed by the hand that holds it. When I call this out to the client, they sometimes don’t even hear how they judge themselves and the idea.
To cultivate the best mindset for reflection and deep thinking, consider your attitude when getting started. If you have a negative mindset, this outlook will carry into your conversations, your choices, your actions. While it may seem subtle, there’s a lot to gain by shifting to a positive or growth mindset. (Also called learner’s mindset, abundance mindset too).
5 Steps to Shift into a Positive Mindset
In Chapter 1 of my book, "Finding Passion," I share five tips for preparing for reflective thinking which you can use for shifting your mindset.
Grab a notebook, and describe the mindset you have towards your goal.
1. Change Your Vantage Point:
Sit in a creative or quiet space that differs from your usual environment.
2. Mix It Up:
Use a different colored pen or a marker to simplify your writing with fewer words.
3. Be Honest with Yourself:
Embrace all emotions and negative feelings as valuable feedback to help you move forward. A positive mindset takes into account the possible challenges, setbacks and discomfort ahead.
4. Trust Your Intuition:
Avoid overthinking. Write down the first thoughts that come to mind; they are often the most important insights. What comes up for you when you think about your goal? What feelings? What worries? What fears?
5. Be Driven by Love, Not Fear:
Resist the urge to "make it pretty" or sound impressive. When you do this, you're driven by fear. Instead, focus on what you love.
Now that you’ve brainstormed with yourself, reflect on what you’re learning. Regardless of what mindset you had before, what mindset will set you up for success?
Mindset matters
Learning to work with yourself in all your various mindsets is important. Your mindset could be the single-most reason you avoid going after what you want. Mindset could be the reason you have false-starts or the worry that keeps you in a constant state of stress and anxiety.
When we learn to shift our mindset, that’s when anything is possible.
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