7 Common Phrases People Say When They Don’t Love What They Do
Summary: Words are powerful and can reveal what we think and believe. Group speak can happen when you and your colleagues fall into old habits. Jessica shares some ideas for how to break the pattern and say what you really mean instead.
Oh the workweek, and the funny things we say about you…
Do you ever catch yourself saying these phrases?
We’ve all done it. We say these easy phrases like…
✖ "Sunday Scaries"
✖ "Back to the grind"
✖ "Monday blues"
✖ "Hump Day"
✖ "Just getting through the week"
✖ "Thank God It's Friday" (TGIF)
✖"Weekend can't come soon enough"
Words are powerful, and they reinforce our beliefs. Notice the words and language you use to describe the work week. It's easy to fall into the trap of saying them, even when you don't mean them anymore.
A simple change to these phrases may help you shift your beliefs and how it feels. "Back to the grind" becomes "Back to creating!" or "Hump Day" becomes a mindful "Today," full of possibilities. ✅
Consider replacing the phrases you say with what you really want instead. Disrupt the pattern! 😊
How about you?!! What phrases are you tired of hearing yourself say that you don't really mean anymore? It’s never too late to begin saying what you really mean instead.